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The town lies on a hill about 455 meters above sea level. A part of its territory stretches over the plain, the other towards the hills. Between alleys flights of steps you reach the Norman Castle which has retained its original structure and is now a hotel. In Campanella square stands the church of Our Lady of Consolation, embellished with masterpieces in stone and considered the best example of Gothic-Angevine art in Calabria. On the same square is Palazzo Pancaro, an ancient gentile residence. Surrounding the town is a maze of narrow streets which meet in a road having a crown-like lay-out of Arabic origin. Continuing the walk, you arrive in Piazza San Francesco, with its beautiful church and the adjacent monastery, next is the Town Hall, in which you may appreciate an 18th century cloister. The tour ends with the Jacobins Palace, used for receptions and conferences.


Provincia di Cosenza

Location Type

Old Town Centre



GPS Coordinates

39.698030, 16.132108

Difficulty Reaching 10%


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Calabria Film Commission

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Codice Fiscale: 97050380795
calabriafilmcommission@pec.it – info@calabriafilmcommission.it
T: +39 0961 853836

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