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Francesca Manna was born in Cosenza 4 April 1984

From 1999 he attended several school theater workshops and extracurricular with numerous directors keeping up to date a constant theatrical training.

Since 2002, following constant laboratories with Lucia Catalan and has had the opportunity to also form with Fabio Vincenzi, Alvaro Piccardi, Rosa Masciopinto, Francesco Saporito, Daria Deflorian and many other local masters.

In 2005 he founded with director Lucia Catalano association AttorInCorso with which he created several shows, events and training courses:

From 2005 to 2007 – Actress in various theater performances.

Actress in 2007 for The son of Vienna from Fuscaldo – (Produced by the Third Order of the Minimums) Director: Lucia Catalano;

In 2007 he graduated with a thesis on non-verbal communication in Philosophy and Communication Sciences and Knowledge at the University of Calabria.

In 2008 with a master’s degree specializing in multimedia communications at the Institute of Management Up Level in Rome obtaining the qualification in Progect Manager.

In 2008 already, the Casa Falco Film Productions, a backstage of the feature film “Let me see you dance” (with actors from national caliber as Giuliana De Sio, Gianmarco Tognazzi, etc ..) chosen and selected as a finalist videos of ‘ important national festival backstage (Cesena Film Festival).

In 2008 he worked as a director in the web TV Idea with which produce two-year television services, and also broadcasts two special news services chosen and aired from and on the Current TV channel.

In 2010 he signed the conception and the NonfermArti artistic director, artistic quality festivals and success achieved in 4 editions.

Continues, in parallel with other activities, the acting career by participating in various theatrical productions AttorInCorso and in 2011 and 2012 is staged at the Quirino Theatre in Rome with two theatrical productions entitled “The Adventures of Gian Gale” and “I promised Married “directed by Lucia Catalano

In 2012 he founded the Association KreativExperience of which he is president and began a collaboration with the Day Center of Mental Health of Rende.

In 2013 signed the following direction:

Give me a Rose – (Produced for and with the Health Center of Rende) Mental;

Building – (Produced for and with the Health Center of Rende) Mental;

Just Married – Dinner With Strangers;

Emotions 3.0 – (Produced for and with the D’Hygiene Center of Rende) Mental:

Blowing the sky – inspired by the music of the famous singer Domenico Modugno.

In collaboration with the Province of Cosenza in 2013 he organized an exhibition of paintings in the Museum of Arts and Crafts of Cosenza.

In 2014 he receives an artistic recognition for painting during the XVI Galarte.

In 2014 he is selected as an artist in the painting section of the Biennale di Verona. In the same year he signed his first theatrical production titled Emotion 3.0 and back on the scene as an actress in the theater production of fairy tales salad directed by Lucia Catalano.

Since 2005 he has made several short feature films and video clips (as Smoking kills and Fog Around) some of which are presented in important festivals and competitions in the industry.

In the fall of 2014 he took part in the tasting of film festivals as an expert criticism of the short films presented in the festival.

In 2016 he realizes, in collaboration with I.C. Torano Castello – Lattiford, the short film entitled “The limit of the ice,” winner of the Audience Award 11-13 Giffoni Festival in 2016.

She is currently working as a director in the production of the play Beyond the dream and creation of new video productions.

Volcanic mind constantly artistic production “because indeed stop?”




Francesca Manna


Via Botticelli 11 – Roges
















regista, attrice e montaggi video

Date of birth


School Studies

Laurea Filosofia e scienze della comunicazione e della conoscenza – Unical, Cs, Master in Comunicazione multimediale – Roma, Up Leavel.



Falco produzioni – Roma , Open Field production – Cosenza, I.C. Torano Castello – Lattarico.


Italiano – Inglese


  • IL FUMO UCCIDE / FRANCESCA MANNA (KreativExperience, 2007, cortometraggio, 10 min) / ha partecipato diversi concorsi – REGISTA ;

  • NEBBIA INTORNO / FRANCESCA MANNA (KreativExperience, 2007, cortometraggio, 10 min) / REGISTA;

  • SENSO / FRANCESCA MANNA (KreativExperience, 2007, mediometraggio , 37 min) / REGISTA;

  • LE AVVENTURE DI GIAN BURRASCA e I PROMESSI SPOSI / LUCIA CATALANO (Teatro stabile di Calabria, 2011/2012 – produzioni teatrali) / Calabria / Roma Teatro Quirino per oltre 40 repliche in totale – ATTRICE;

  • PASSI DIETRO LE SCENE / FRANCESCA MANNA (Falco produzioni, 2007, dvd, 10 min) / finalista presso il Cesena Backstage film festival – REGISTA BACKSTAGE ufficiale;

  • TV IDEA / FRANCESCA MANNA (, 2007, dvd, 10 min) / distribuita su Current tv e reti locali – REGIA, MONTAGGIO ED IDEAZIONE FORMAT;

  • IL LIMITE DEL GHIACCIO / FRANCESCA MANNA (Istituto I.C. Torano Castello – Lattarico, 2016, cortometraggio , 10 min) / vincitore del premio Audience Award 11-13 Giffoni 2016 film festival – REGISTA.

Calabria Film Commission

Cittadella Regione Calabria – Localita’ Germaneto – 88100 Catanzaro
Codice Fiscale: 97050380795
calabriafilmcommission@pec.it – info@calabriafilmcommission.it
T: +39 0961 853836

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