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July 5th, 2016 Calabria Film Commission activities recommence. President Oliverio has appointed new high-ranking managers to occupy positions of prestige in the national and international cinema scene. Giuseppe Citrigno, chosen by the President of the Region within a shortlist of candidates has been appointed President and legal representative . Citrigno has been operating in the film industry for a long time. He has been President of ANEC (National Cinema Exhibitors Association) since 1992 for the Province of Cosenza and Calabria since 2001. Given this role ,Citrigno has gained a thorough knowledge of the local film industry and the overall dynamics of the entire economic sector. Giuseppe Citrigno has been, since August 2014, a permanent member of the Commission for the disbursement of ministerial subsidies to Cinematic Production within the General Directorate of Cinema MIBACT. Since 2105 he has been member of the jury of the David of Donatello Award. He has been entrusted by Oliverio to represent the operational arm of the structure ; and in order to start new activities has had to come to terms with a legacy at the very least, dramatic. One million and sixteen hundred thousand euros was the debt run up from former administrations and which in this year and a half the commissioner appointed by Oliverio during CFC , General Manager Pasquale Anastasi with doggedness and resolution has gradually settled. It was not an easy job because of a legacy due to large and small events that have impaired the credibility of the foundation, effectively, ostracizing Calabria from becoming a potential movie set. Today Calabria Film Commission picks up with two qualified figures ready to spend all their energy to launch the region onto the world- stage; prompt not only in welcoming productions from the outside but also towards sustainment to the creative breeding-ground that expresses the territory of Calabria. Oliverio , furthermore, appointed Mauro Fiore, Oscar Award winner for photography in “ Avatar “ President of the Honorary Committee . The Honorary President can be appointed to represent the Calabria Film Commission at events and public initiatives; he also presides an honorary committee that contributes to the definition of the program guidelines and the Foundation's artistic line. Mauro Fiore was born in Marzi, in the province of Cosenza on November 15th, 1964, son of Lorenzo Fiore and Romilda Carpino. At the age of seven he immigrated with his family to the United States, settling in Chicago for several years and coping with the hardships of an emigrant family. Always passionately fond of   photography, when his parents resolve to return to Italy, Mauro Fiore decides to remain in the States to attend Columbia College in Chicago. During his college study years he becomes acquainted with Janusz Kaminski, with whom he moves to California in search of fortune and where he becomes a member of the American Society of Cinematographers. On March 7th, 2010 he is awarded for his work on Avatar and James Cameron, the Oscar 2010 for best Cinematography. "Calabria - declares President Oliverio will now finally be able to meet the demands of the film productions, but above all to choose where to take the media projection of Calabria in the world". "The Film Commission -continues Oliverio remains one of the most effective tools to draw the features of a Calabria which can express its history, its thousands of years of culture, its sound companies, and its courageous and honest people who continue to strain themselves for the development of this land and firmly committed to demolish the negative stereotypes associated with it. We have been obliged, in recent months, for the Film Commission as for many other activities, to squander our commitments in order to settle serious disputes and debt-inherited situations, but now we are ready for a fresh start with a new planning which will honor the well-deserved cultural importance of our land. Together with the President and the Honorary President Citrigno Fiore, whom I thank for their availability, we will call on the Committee of Intellectual Honor and Calabrian personalities who will help us to project the values ​​and a fair image of Calabria in the world ".

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Calabria Film Commission

Cittadella Regione Calabria – Localita’ Germaneto – 88100 Catanzaro
Codice Fiscale: 97050380795
calabriafilmcommission@pec.it – info@calabriafilmcommission.it
T: +39 0961 853836

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